

After updating to a newer version, please run:

sync-core install update

Upgrade to v3


We are now using version 6.0 of MongoDB. You first need to upgrade to 5.0 before upgrading to 6.0. If you are using a self-hosted MongoDB, you also have to adjust the feature compatibility version after each update:

  1. Update MongoDB to v5.0, then run: db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "5.0" } )
  2. Update MongoDB to v6.0, then run: db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "6.0" } )

Please also note that the mongo CLI command is now mongosh, in case you are using it for health checks.

After a successful update, you can remove the following indices manually that won’t be used moving forward:

  • remote_entity_revision_entity
    • entityrev_custproj_type_uuid
    • entityrev_custproj_type_uniqid
  • latest_remote_entity_revision_entity
    • lentityrev_custproj_type_uuid
    • lentityrev_custproj_type_uniqid
  • syndication_entity
    • syndication_custproj_site_errors


We are now using version 8.8 of Elasticsearch. You first need to upgrade to 7.17 before upgrading to 8.8.


We are now using version 3.12 of RabbitMQ. Please check the RabbitMQ documentation for required version steps as that also depends on your installed Erlang version.

Migrate data

If you haven’t done so when updating to v2.5, please also enable this feature that is now required:

sync-core features enable entity:latest

Some of the new v3 features require additional, calculated data. After updating the cluster to v3, please run in a Queue container:

sync-core install update

Before running this, some of the UI elements may not display properly for users.

Large clusters only

If you run a larger cluster with 100+ sites, please enable throttling for backend requests:

sync-core features set throttling:backend-request:in-parallel 5
sync-core features set throttling:backend-request:per-minute 5
sync-core features set throttling:internal:in-parallel 10
sync-core features set throttling:internal:per-minute 15