Configuration options

Both Sync Core and Broker


  • SYNC_CORE_QUEUE_URL: The queue that the Sync Core container(s) will use to process messages. The Broker will publish messages to this queue, and the Sync Core will publish and subscribe to messages.
    • If you are using TLS encryption start the URL with amqps:// instead of amqp://.
    • We recommend providing a heartbeat of 15s in the URL like ?heartbeat=15.
  • BROKER_QUEUE_URL: The queue that the Broker container(s) will use to process messages. The Sync Core will publish messages to this queue, and the Broker will publish and subscribe to messages.
    • If you are using TLS encryption start the URL with amqps:// instead of amqp://.
    • We recommend providing a heartbeat of 15s in the URL like ?heartbeat=15.
  • MESSAGE_PREFETCH_COUNT default 50: How many messages to prefetch per container. If you are scaling based on CPU usage, this option must be fine-tuned to avoid both overloading, and a failure to scale (under-usage) while the queue is piling up messages.


  • DATABASE_URL required: The full mongodb URL, including the database name to store all data. You can provide a different database to the Broker, and the Sync Core (makes scaling easier).
  • DATABASE_RETRY_ATTEMPTS optional, default 10: Number of retries to connect or reconnect to the database before killing the process.
  • DATABASE_LOG_LEVEL optional, one of error, warn, info, debug, default warn: Log level for the database.
  • DATABASE_ENABLE_SSL optional, one of true or false, default (empty): Usually not required if you enable ssl/tls using the query parameters of the DATABASE_URL. If you run into a connection timeout, try removing ssl=true and tls=true from the database URL and use these environment variables instead. Experienced this issue when using CosmosDB.
  • DATABASE_ENABLE_TLS optional, one of true or false, default (empty): Usually not required; same as DATABASE_ENABLE_SSL, but for a different library internally; set to the same value as your DATABASE_ENABLE_SSL variable.

Error reporting (Sentry)

  • SENTRY_DSN optional, default (empty): A Sentry DSN used to report all errors to.
  • TRACES_SAMPLE_RATE optional, default 0: Sample rate between 0 and 1 if you want to collect performance metrics with Sentry.
  • HOSTNAME optional, default (empty): Used by Sentry to identify the host.


  • LOG_LEVEL optional, default info: Either error, warn, info, verbose or debug.
  • LOG_FORMAT optional, default plain: Either plain or json.

Health checks

  • HEALTH_EVENT_LOOP_SAMPLE_INTERVAL optional, default 50: How often to run the event loop check in milliseconds, i.e. CPU usage based on ticks of the app.
  • HEALTH_EVENT_LOOP_LIMIT optional, default 500: How long a tick may last before it’s considered unhealthy in milliseconds, i.e. the allowed delay for the sample tick to run.
  • HEALTH_DNS_URL optional, default What URL to use for DNS health checks. Should be an external, public service to be comparable to your sites but shouldn’t be your sites to avoid cascading failures.
  • HEALTH_MEMORY_LIMIT optional, default 512: How much RAM the application is expected to use in MB before the health check fails. Should be your container RAM limit minus 384.

Sync Core


  • SERVICE_NAME required: Must be sync-core.
  • SYNC_CORE_UUID required: Provided at
  • SYNC_CORE_SECRET required: Provided at
  • SERVICE_TYPES default rest,queue: One of: rest, queue or rest,queue.
  • FEATURE_FLAGS as a comma-separated list, default (empty): A list of feature flags to statically configure. See below for a list of all feature flags.
  • PORT default 8080: The HTTP port to listen to.
  • AUTHENTICATION_ENCRYPTION_SECRET default SYNC_CORE_SECRET strongly recommended: A custom secret to use for encrypting the credentials that the Sync Core uses to access connected sites. Expects a 64-length random hex string e.g. from openssl rand -hex 32 (32 bytes = 64 hex string).


  • DISABLE_HEADER_PROTECTION default no (so enabled): Disable protection against commonly abused headers. Not required unless you are using customized clients.
  • RATE_LIMIT_TIME_WINDOW_IN_MINUTES default 5: Limit requests per client / IP.
  • RATE_LIMIT_NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS default 2000: Limit requests in the given time window to this number. This is per container, so if you are using a rate limiting WAF anyway, you can leave this to any high enough value.



  • LOCAL_FILESYSTEM default no: One of yes or no. Whether you want to use the local file system for file storage (yes) or S3 (no).
  • MAX_FILE_SIZE_PREVIEW in bytes, default 10240 (10 KB): The maximum size allowed for a preview HTML. This will be indexed in ElasticSearch, so this has significant impact on the search performance and required storage.
  • MAX_FILE_SIZE_FLOW_CONFIG in bytes, default 5242880 (5 MB): The maximum size allowed for a Flow YAML file. So the maximum required storage for Flow configs is (number of sites) * (flows per site) * (this value). If a site exceeds this it can’t connect to the Sync Core so limit with caution.
  • MAX_FILE_SIZE_CONTENT_FILE in bytes, default 10485760 (10 MB): The maximum size allowed for a content file (a file a user uploaded to a site). Updates will be rejected if they contain a file larger than this, so limit with caution.


  • MAX_FILE_SIZE_LOCAL_UPLOAD in bytes, default 10485760 (10 MB): If you are using the local file system to store files, no files larger than this can be uploaded. Must be as big as the largest file size restriction above.


  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID default (empty): If using S3, the Access Key ID from your AWS user used for uploading and downloading files.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY default (empty): If using S3, see above.
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET default (empty): If using S3, the bucket to store files in.
  • AWS_REGION default (empty): If using S3, the region where the bucket has been created.
  • ELASTICSEARCH_URL default (empty): A full URL to yor ElasticSearch backend that we can use to index content items and their preview and to search for content in the Pull Dashboard. If you are not using the manual pull option you won’t need this.
  • ELASTICSEARCH_ADD_KEYWORD_SUFFIX default (empty): One of: yes, no. Not required in most cases. If you forgot to setup the search index before indexing documents, Elasticsearch will not change the existing field types but rather create new fields with a .keyword suffix. In this case, pass yes as a value.


  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT in milliseconds, default 60000 (60 seconds): The default timeout for all requests. Can be overwritten for different kinds of requests (see below).
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD_PREVIEW in milliseconds, default (REQUEST_TIMEOUT): The timeout for requesting an HTML preview from a site for a given entity.
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT_UPDATE_ENTITY in milliseconds, default (REQUEST_TIMEOUT): The timeout for sending an update request to a connected site for an entity.
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT_DOWNLOAD_FILE in milliseconds, default (REQUEST_TIMEOUT): The timeout for downloading a file from a site.
  • REQUEST_TIMEOUT_UPLOAD_FILE in milliseconds, default (REQUEST_TIMEOUT): The timeout for uploading a file to S3 (if S3 is used).
  • REQUEST_MAX_REDIRECTS default 5: The max number of redirects to follow when making a request against a site.
  • REQUEST_MAX_RESPONSE_BODY_SIZE in bytes, default 4194304 (4MB): The max allowed response body size when making a request against a site to update or retrieve an entity or entity list.
  • DEFAULT_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE_PER_SITE default 20: How many requests will be made to a site per minute by default. Users can overwrite this setting per site or set another default for all sites in their project.
  • DEFAULT_MAX_PARALLEL_REQUESTS_PER_SITE default 10: How many requests will be made to a site in parallel by default. Users can overwrite this setting per site or set another default for all sites in their project. This is only relevant for requests that couldn’t be processed immediately (because the per-minute limit throttled them or because they failed) and is only used by the cron that processes these messages once a minute.


  • SERVICE_NAME required: Must be broker.
  • MESSAGE_LIMIT_PER_CRON_RUN default 1000: How many messages to process per cron run. If you see e.g. ECONNRESET during cron job runs from RabbitMQ use this setting to decrease the load.