Feature Flags

List of Feature Flags

  • previews static: Whether search / previews are available. Set to 1 if an ELASTICSEARCH_URL is provided and 0 if not.


  • log:* default 0: Log everything (see below). Use with caution as this can create massive amounts of logs.
  • log:Backend default 0: Enable advanced logging for the communication with the licensing backend.
  • log:SiteRequest default 0: Enable advanced logging for all requests to sites.
  • log:Files default 0: Enable advanced logging for files.
  • log:Previews default 0: Enable advanced logging for preview indexing and searching.
  • log:Syndication default 0: Enable advanced logging for the whole update / syndication process. Try to use this flag narrowly, e.g. only per site.

Manage Feature Flags

You can enable Feature Flags using the environment variable FEATURE_FLAGS and providing a comma-separated list or by using the console command sync-core features <enable|disable> <name> [type] [id].

Dynamic usage (CLI)

To list available flags, and their current values in your installed Sync Core, use sync-core features list. To get the settings for an individual flag, use sync-core features get <name> [type] [id].

To revert to the defaults, use sync-core features unset <name> [type] [id].

Narrow usage

Narrow down the usage of certain features to avoid an unnecessary performance impact. The type argument can be one of the following (defaults to sync-core):

  • sync-core: The whole Sync Core, so global (default).
  • contract: Enable/Disable the feature for the given contract.
  • project: Enable/Disable the feature for the given project.
  • site: Enable/Disable the feature for the given site.

All types except for the sync-core require an ID to be provided. You can get the ID from the MongoDB collections manually if needed.